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Asking the right questions (plenty of)




Seeing this nice wrap-up of events (in german)

i am now inspired to catch my ideas into something more substantial.

So here you go.

The whole “pandemic” theme is not only a very interesting scientific puzzle, but also a sociological, mass-psychological and political issue and should be viewed from all perspectives.

What questions does the public need to ASK?

1 - Where and how did the SARS-COV-2 virus come to existence?

2 - Who was responsible for panicking the whole world into pandemic responses, WHILE hiding the early therapies, what are the early therapies?

3 - Who, why & how pushed the gene therapy jabs?

4 - What are the short and long term effects of the jabs?

1 - Where and how did the SARS-COV-2 virus come into existence?

Really? We do not know for sure.

Insightful sources might be Ralph Baric, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, the “cook” Shi-Zeng-Li + many others:

while citing the article from 6.10.2019

What we seem to know is the existence of multiple research strains involving HIV, coronavirae, bats and humanized mice with cross-species virus breeding firstly in US, then in Wuhan, China and who knows where else, funded by the US (Fauci).

There are multiple theories for the virus being an LAV (live-attenuated vaccine) test, an experimental vaxx for AIDS, or a GOF research (gain of function).

Peter Daszak talks about countering these fringe theories on 2.4.2020

I think it is now safe to rule out the natural origins, while, it is interesting, that SOME people might set the #omicron variant’s origins way into the past.

It is almost funny to find an important sequence of the virus’s spike in an #moderna 2016 patent.

We also cannot be REALLY sure about the official 2019 timeline, as the virus was detected “post mortem” in SUMMER 2019 in Italy.

2 - Who was responsible for panicking the whole world into pandemic responces, WHILE hiding the early therapies, what are the early therapies?

According to some people and studies i’ve read, not only the Chinese had developed a “kind of a cure” - fusion inhibitors , there was the @Dr_I_Am_The with his early treatments, i’ve seen studies and leaked emails (to be linked later) with officials talking about effectivity of #HCQ..

Probably the most important therapy to mention is very simple - keep your immune system up.

Vitamin C, Vitamin D, NAC, Quercetin ist what i am taking.

Eating lots of vegetables, getting in shape, doing some sports.

I am not a doctor, so go read this or this.

Then, there are various “funny” therapies with nicotinoids, flushing niacine (i’ve tried, don’t do this at home with a full dose), the #voldemort drug #IVM *which seems to work also in Israel as of now, here is a neat “mechanism of action overview”.

Gallagher is one of the people who could have had solutions, but were silenced.

NONE of these therapies has been officaly CONSIDERED or trialed in the “western world” aka US and EU. Instead, the definition of vaccine has been changed,

there has been a call for “novel vaccination drive” with experimental gene-tech jabs, which have been pushed over our heads on all channels. Basic human rights have been abolished and laughed at, there were unconstitonal lockdowns and shunning of people which didn’t want to take part in the experiment.

Here some pics of the indian “covid early treatment packages”:

As the mortality of the Virus and the COVID illness is well under the common flu, for the unvaxxed, that is, i just don’t understand how TF the world happened to jump into the bottomless pit of plandemic.

Here is the place where politics, money and media would jump in, i’ll perhaps enhance this section in the future, thanks for your comments on this.

I’ve seen some leaked emails to this theme.

3 - Who, why and how were the gene therapy jabs pushed?

Who? This is pretty clear. All of them politicians, the media, Pfizer even didn’t think they could go “live” with their vaxx candidate, but as the world was in “danger”, there just HAS BEEN NO OTHER WAY. (look up to chapter 2.0)

The trials have been rushed and we could probably call them “fraudulent”, or are these just coincidences?

They were rushed, and the 'acceptable' level of adequate mRNA inside the LNPs is 70% for effectiveness. Bourla got his regulator friends to lower that to 50%.

4 - What are the short and long term effects of the jabs, can these be avoided/healed?

A vaccine should, per definition, “produce protection from a specific disease”.

How do the novel vaxxes qualify?

Dr. Fleming has done us a great service by presenting the data in a very simple fashion:

Please, if you haven’t already, go watch his 4 hours presentation, it is enlightening!

In theory, as a non-prof - you’ll get the “safe and effective” treatment from your government and media. The first “scientific explanation” you’ll meet is:

To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, mRNA vaccines use mRNA created in a laboratory to teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.

What a load of bullshit, called my brain right from the beginning. Why, you ask?

Because having antibodies in your system is NOT a good thing. Having self-replicating #spike #proteins in your body, made by your body,

could be a very bad thing. It could invite auto-immunity, allergies, neurological issues, organ failures and it HAS NO OFF BUTTON.

I would know, i’m pretty much allergic to everything green and not edible, and had my share of viral load with the Epstein-Barr after pregnancy some years ago.

So much on my initial thoughts.

But we don’t want to linger here.

Let us take a look at what we now KNOW, thanks to efforts of the many, and the Pzifer monthly doc drop:

We now know, that the spikes from the vaccine are NOT identical to the “natural” wild SARS-COV-2 spike.

Allow for a short citation from the article: must ask what is the purpose for codon optimizing a viral mRNA that is already adapted to its host? This does not come risk free…
..While synthetic m1Ψenables replacements slower degradation of mRNAs, it comes at the cost of camouflaging the mRNA from the immune system that targets viral RNA secondary structure..
..This has been described as “reprogramming the innate immune and adaptive immune response” This may explain the increased rate of Herpes Zoster, HHV6/HHV7 (Pityriasis rosea) and Epstein-Barr reactivation post mRNA vaccination…
..With any virus or vaccine that enables latent virus reactivation we must consider the case of viral recombination. Chimeric RNAs are more likely to form with mRNAs that have degenerate bases…
..mRNA vaccination has been shown to provide higher antibody production compared to natural infections. While some imply this == better immunity, it comes at the cost of higher spike protein titers which is believed to be toxic and a potential inhibitor of DNA damage and repair..

Would you consider taking part in the experimental vaxx program after reading this?

If the vaxx spikes are not identical with the wild ones, how will the “vaxxed” immune system react?

What they didn’t tell you

The synthetic RNA in the vaxxes is containing pseudouridine, which is NOT a normal thing, because it’s presence can fool your immune system into largely ignoring it.

//too complicated, new article incoming, here’s the read

The dangers?

Lately, we observe a rather massive drop in fertility, a new “SADS” syndrome, killing unsuspecting young people, myo- and pericarditis (irreversible heart damage) in kids and young adults, neurological problems, an “spike” in cancer, and returning turbo-cancer, we do observe dropping immunity in vaxxed people, also familiarly called VAIDS, all being partly expected after reading the linked text.

Wanna go into detail?

//will be linking next article here, as methinks this one is long enough.

What is a prion?

A prion a misfolded protein, which COULD invite other proteins in it’s vicinity to misfold too. We do not know ANY therapy to stop this process, so it is 100% deadly. Creuztfeldt-Jacobs disease after vaxx has been observed already.

How about #shedding and what is that?

//also an issue for a new article

What are the official numbers saying, after vaccinating a large share of the population? Here, numbers from germany for your consideration.

Let me be perfectly clear, if the grey and red graphs are the same, the vaxx would have NULL, ZERO, NADA, NIENTE efficiency.

Now, this seems like a pretty clear case of negative efficiency to me!

From a broader perspective, is it a good idea, to vaccinate into a pandemic?

@GVDBossche gives his final warning

Closing words:

In the end, what we are seeing now are many serious scientists and non-scientists caring about finding solutions, being deplatformed. We see rich people getting richer by selling the non-sensical masks and tests. We see losers spreading conspiracy theories and selling stuff, wanting to get their piece of cake.

We see the diminishing value of basic human rights and a push for global health dictatorship.

We see highly vaxxed and fearful populations getting angry.

I say, it was criminal to NOT provide early treatments. The patients were mostly just sent into home isolation, being taken to hospital after their status deteriorated enough to hang them on a ventilator and/ or being let to rot on midazolam. Doctors were being punished for finding and applying them early treatments.

There was a worldwide push of experimental jabs, which are perfect in finding ways to damage your immune system, nervous system, reproductive system and may lead to kinda, let’s call it depopulation.

Well, do not despair, it will do you no good. We are going to get through this, as we always did.

Now, if you are a horror lover, go watch this disturbing video ;)

Take care, have fun!